Reina Ikehata, fashion model, talent, actress and singer in TV ad of ALFACE+ vital mask

Reina Ikehata switched on the light and looking at (maybe mirror) and takes off her shirt. and she signs and looks regretting something. the narration says “Take off yourself of today”. Reina Ikehata with cosmetic mask on her face and she takes of the mask. and the narration says “5 minutes to go back to myself” and “Your today’s natural face makes your smile tomorrow”.

Reina Ikehata

She was born in 1987/11/5 in Hokkaido. she was debuted in 2010. she belongs to Beachwalkers Management Group. she can speak chinese. Her hobbies are Piano, Ballet, tea ceremony, Yoga, Walking, Cooking.

熱得不得了🐽 暑すぎるぜぃ🐷 #owndays #smile #happy

池端レイナ(池端玲名)さん(@leinaikehata)がシェアした投稿 –

Legend Agape😘❤️ #smile #happy #legendagape #codysanderson

池端レイナ(池端玲名)さん(@leinaikehata)がシェアした投稿 –

Sayo Yoshida, Fashion model in Nissan Days TV cm

“newly released, Nissan’s Minicar Days” “You can view your car from above, Around monitor, moreover, first equipped with minicar, auto brake function, Reliable function with you” Sayo Yoshida is standing next to the car.

Sayo Yoshida

Sayo Yoshida was debuted in fashion magazine of SEDA as a fashion model. she is in many magazines related to beauty. she was born in 1990/2/8 in Aichi pre belongs to Bon image.
Sayo Yoshida’s hobby is watching film, dance, cycling. The magazins she was photographed for are VOGUEgirl, ELLEgirl, NYLON JAPAN, 25ansWedding, BAILA, CLASSY, sweet, 美的, MAQUIA, VoCE and GINGER. she is now a famous fashion model.

LANCOMEのロングセラー商品「ジェニフィック アドバンスト」の超音波ブースターサービスを体験できるポップアップストアが期間限定でオープン! 1秒間に300万回の振動でランコムNo.1美容液「ジェニフィック」を肌に届ける、ランコムのアイコニックな店頭サービス✨ ・ この体験ブースは、たった5分間でジェニフィックを7日間使い続けたときのような効果を実感できるタイムトラベル体験が出来ちゃうよ🙌 ・ 洗顔のあとすぐに使用するこの美容液を実際に使ってみて2週間、私は肌の赤みが本当に消えたっ🍃✨ こんなにも実感できるのはジェネフィックのお陰❤︎ 自宅でも旅先でも使っています☺︎ ●イベント名 5分で輝き肌体験 -5mins radiance- ●日時 2018年9月4日(月)〜9月17日(月) ●会場 表参道BSPACE 〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山3丁目5清水ビル 表参道駅(A3番出口)すぐ #ランコム #5分で輝き肌体験 #wwd_jp_pr

Sayo Yoshidaさん(@sayobaby)がシェアした投稿 –

Mari Iriki, cute actress and stage actress in the TV cm of Kyushu raw milk organization

“Goku Goku nyu-nyu-Goku nyu-nyu-” means “Drink Drink milk Drink Milk!” Mari Iriki’s flexible and soft body is outstanding. people around her also starts dancing.

Mari Iriki

Mari Iriki was born in 1990/2/16 in Kagoshima Pre. she is actress and talent belongs to Horipro. She had been doing Rhythmic Gymnastics for 12 years and experienced inter high. She was in the film of Kamen rider wizard and FOURZE. She was in “La Belle Fille Masquée Poitrine”

interview video

Risa Kakinoki, Nissan Serena TV CM strong beautiful mother in her role

The TV ad starts with the narration of her son. “Recently, my mother is too free…” “she suddenly takes us and driving so fast so far away.” “This is a new shape of electric car, driving far without charging battery also auto driving function is installed.” “Let’s go out with the most enjoyable trip in your family life”.

Risa Kakinoki

Risa Kakinoki was born in 1985/4/22 in Tokyo. she is a fashion model, her mother is from Algeria. she belongs to Bon image. Her younger sister Amina Kakinoki is also a fashion model. She won the grand prix of the collection of school uniform of Japan in 2000 from a magazine of Young Jump. her hobby is listening music. she speaks English and French. Her favorite sports is to do boxing. She is also in TV cm of “McDonald’s” and “Panazonic Viera”

今日の衣装はNINE♥︎ #旅サラダ #NINE

柿木理紗さん(@lisa_kakinoki)がシェアした投稿 –

Yuka Kori, AirCloset TV CM, fashion rental cool and beauty, also in Kao kyukyutto

Yuka Kori says, “I also started fashion rental”. “reputations to me is going high because professional stylists choose my fashion.” “A feeling of size, A feeling of season and good suggestion! It is cool isn’t it!?” “enjoy clothes, enjoy everyday”

Yuka Kori

Yuka Kori was born in 1990/9/24 in Tokyo. Her hobby is to do paintings, swimming in a pool, Karaoke alone, and watching films. She is good at dancing. she belongs to Stardust Promotion. She is in the TV ad of Sagawa, Kao “kyukyutto Clear”, cathaypacific hong kong campaign.


向里 憂香さん(@kori_yuka)がシェアした投稿 –

Kao kyukyutto TV ad

Yukari Kashima fashion model & actress, ANA summer trip discount TV cm. role of cute and beautiful mother.

A husband recommend “Can we do this in this summer in Okinawa?” Yukari Kashima says “Skelton Kayak? It sounds really great!” “I am sure that my son Ma-kun will also be glad!” “Let’s book the ticket now!” “? NOW?” “the sooner we book, the cheaper we get!”, “Yes! I have booked it!” “I also want to do Beach Yoga!”
The narration start saying “The time that your trip begins is the time you take the ticket!”

Yukari Kashima

Yukari Kashima was born in 1986/10/5 in Tokyo. She is a fashion model and actress who belongs to Neutral management. Her speciality is a advisor of Sauna and Spa health, Yoga, Pilates. She is in magazines of Spring, Sweet, mini, Anan, Zexy and Savvy. She is TV cm of Sony, Taiho, NGK, Lalaport, Tokyo Gas, Yamato, Marui, P&G, SonyEricsson, Matsuda, Nomura Real Estate, Kao, Ise shurine, Kobayashi, Rohto.

Megumi Kobashi role of housewife, Ariel livingdry TV cm, Cute middle aged? woman

A housewite Megumi Kobashi shouts “Stop it!” “Why are still my washed clothes still smelly though I used Antibacterial detergent!” Toma Ikuta comes in and says “now you are alright! it is not your fault!” “really?” Megumi Kobashi says. “The cause is this Half-dried and mold virus!” we developed this green Ariel for drying in a room! double anti-virus!

Megumi Kobashi

Megumi Kobashi was born in 1979/7/3 in Tokyo and belongs to FMG. she was debuted on 1994. she does actress. She is good at Haiku,Sado, Piano and Classical Ballet. her hobby is reading books and French. BWH is 80/58/80.

堀辰雄の「麦藁帽子」という短編が、 堪らなく好きで。 麦藁帽子と、夏休みと、ひと夏の恋。 間違いない、3点セット! 気になる女の子が、よそゆきの麦藁帽子を被っていて、 その帽子の縁が、自分の頬をそっと撫でるのです。 それで気づかれないように、彼は深呼吸する。 でも、匂いは全くしなくて、ただ麦藁帽子の、かすかに焦げる匂いがするばかり、という。 読んでいて、懐かしさと甘酸っぱさが、こみ上げてきました。 ああ、麦藁帽子の匂い、昔嗅いだなあ、とか、 好きな男子に、ちょっと触れた時に、ドキっとする感じとか。 短い短編なのですが、ラストも素晴らしくて。 もう、今年の夏は麦藁帽子の匂いと共に過ごしたくなっちゃって。 欲しくなっちゃって買いました。 #田中帽子店 #麦藁帽子 #堀辰雄 #strawhat

小橋めぐみさん(@megumikok)がシェアした投稿 –

Kokoro Asami beautiful model in TV ad of Mitsubishijisho, Mitsuki Takahata, Yoichi Nukumizu are also in.

Mitsuki Takahata starts working in Marunouchi which is a center of Tokyo. The scene go back to the time when she is about to go to Tokyo and her friends say “How is the Marunochi like, your senior would try to be himself as good looking!” and Yoichi Nukumizu cut in. “You will be forced to work hard!” Mitsuki Takahata cut in and says “Let’s go to your welcome party!” and Mitsuki says “only 3 people?” Mitsuki Takahata says “recent young people dont really drink!” Yochi Nukumizu cut in “I was not invited though!” “yeah I did not invite you!” Mitsuki says “I smell different in this city and against people here”.

Kokoro Asami

Kokoro Asami was born in 1985/9/30 in Kyoto belongs to Sticker. She played a role of “Sana” in the film of “we cannot change our world” in 2011. and she had played a many roles and she was in “PARANOIAC” in 2015. she was in the drama of “Muscle girl!” and in 2016 She was in “Ushijimakun season3”. She was on a stage of “ambiguous space”.

Mei Sakurai, Cute model in TV ad Koji Enegery Drink Hacco, P&G, marukome,Lion

Mei Sakurai is a vigorous office worker. she always miss important tasks in TV ad. Hacco give these females The magic of Koji. Hacco is an energy drink for female workers.

Mei Sakurai

Mei Sakurai was born in 1988/4/6 in Shiga Pre. She is a fashion model belongs to ABP inc. She has a senior model of “Shiori Kanjiya”.

Nozomi Maeda, fashion model, BWH measurements in Esthe Grande cute video

“Does massaging in 5 minutes work for my legs?” “I don’t think, only 5 minutes…” Nozomi Maeda says.
The narration starts to say “Esthe Grande makes the 5 minutes to be effective. It concentrates the effect with botanical care and scent of orange grape.” “the scent give you the comfortable and relaxing feelings at once” “So…”
and Nozomi Maeda takes her mobile phone with her hand and says “that is it”. in the display, the text says “when can we meet together?” she says and the answer just came to her saying “I want to meet you now” by good looking guy. finally she says “it make you feel relaxed in 5 minutes and give you luck!” with her cute voice.

Nozomi Maeda

Nozomi Maeda was born in 1993/6/16 in Saitama Pre. she is fashion model and actress. she was debuted and belongs to Wizmic currently. Her BWH measurements is 79-56-80. she has experiences of the main fashion model of “Pichimo”, “Popteen”. She has done “Oha girl”

お団子いかがですか🍡 #マネージャー目線 @non_vithmic

前田希美さん(@maeda_nozomi)がシェアした投稿 –

先日、最新の脱毛サロン、 SASALA渋谷店 @sasala_official に行ってきました。 渋谷店は初めてだったのですが、 すごく施術する部屋が広くて、 とっても快適でした。 . . SASALAのいい所は、全く痛くないこと。 それなのに脱毛しにくいって言われている産毛にもしっかり効果があるので、毎回通うのが楽しみです。 . . 脱毛が痛そうで怖いって、悩んでいる人にはぜひSASALAに行ってみてほしいです。 . . 今なら行くだけで「5部位から選べる無料体験脱毛」が出来ちゃいます。 . . ★ハンド脱毛 ★ひじ下脱毛 ★ひざ下脱毛 ★ワキ脱毛 ★背中上脱毛 . . 上記の5部位から好きなところをSASALAの最新脱毛マシーンで無料施術してもらえます。 自分では処理しにくい「背中上脱毛」がおすすめ。 . . . しかも今なら期間限定で無料カウンセリングにいくだけで、色んなお買い物に使えるJCB商品券1,000円分が【全員】もらえちゃうキャンペーンをやっています。 . . . キャンペーン応募は @sasala_official から予約して、 紹介者のところに「インスタキャンペーン」と 記入するだけなので、 とっても簡単です。. . . #脱毛サロン #エステ脱毛 #脱毛 #美肌 #SASALA #ササラ #新宿 #銀座 #渋谷 #SHR脱毛 #ISハイブリッド脱毛 #セルフホワイトニング

前田希美さん(@maeda_nozomi)がシェアした投稿 –