Aina Nishiaki profile actress, in TV ad of “Ebara” beautiful mother role

the narration is saying “We grated white radish deliciously. then it became grated Sauce!” and mother “Aina Nishiaki” and father and her child says “I like this much of grated radish!” and the narration says “Guzaikan”(feeling of eating ingredients) . finally, the TV ad introduces another one of onion version.

Aina Nishiaki

Aina Nishiaki was born in 1986/10/10 in Chiba Pre. she is a fashion model. she belongs to spacecraft. in 1996, she was debuted as a young sister of Ryoko Hirosue in the TV ad of NTT docomo pocket bell. she was in Love-con, shaorin-girl, how to make correct prince. also she was in the TV cm of Pablon, Ito-ham etc. She is also in Bayside Shakedown of Japanese movie.

#西秋愛菜 🤙🏾🤓✨ちゃん 久しぶり🌸 どこ行ってもなかなか治らない ケガや痛いところを治したい スーパーバディになりたい 顔もパーツも形を綺麗にしたい 悩みばかりで元気になりたい なんでもOK🤙🏾🤓✨ 欠点の無い人なんていない😁 一回きたらわかるだよ🙋‍♂️何でもご相談あれね🤙🏾🤓✨まってまーす #ちもと整骨院 港区麻布十番2-18-8 ABAアサミビル3F 0364410704 13時〜19時 #麻布十番 #整体 #全身矯正 #小顔矯正 #美容鍼 #スタイル矯正 #骨盤矯正 #ケガ #交通事故 #バランス矯正 #スタイル #整骨院 #接骨院 #鍼灸院 #美容 #エステ#骨男#骨男とパチリ#model #モデル #麻布十番

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