Sara Minami, TV cm of Pocky she played a role of a daughter of Rie Miyazawa

Rie Miyazawa says at the beginning “My daughter told a gentle lie to me”. she asked her daughter when she comes back home “how was the school” and Sara Minami says “So so….” Rie Miyazawa whispers in her mind “You really didn’t like to change your school.. did you..” Rie Miyazawa shouts at the sea shore “aa!!” Rie Miyazawa talked to her and says “I will listen to you with the extent of 5 pockies” and the narration says “Share your happiness! Pocky” and her dad comes back “I am home” and two is laughing.

Sara Minami

She was born in 2002/6/11 in Kanagawa Pre. she belongs to Repro Entertainment and started her career on 2014. She is famous for a exclusive model of Nicola. recently she is in files and becoming more famous.

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心変わりの相手は 生ハムに巻きたい #ニコラ #買ってね #さむいね

南沙良さん(@lespros_sara00)がシェアした投稿 –

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南沙良さん(@lespros_sara00)がシェアした投稿 –