Daichi Miura dancing in TV ad for South Alps PEAKER bitter energy

“Nature is Power” at the beginning of the video. “bottomless energy from Nature, we are a part of Nature”. “therefore, We will get energy we need from Nature.” “Peaker does not make you weak until the end” at the end of the video.

Daichi Miura

Daichi Miura was born in 1987/8/24 in Okinawa. He is a dancer and also a singer. He was debuted when he was 9 as a vocal of “Folder”. He stopped singing when he was 12 because his period that his voice changed. He was debuted again in 2005 with changing his name. He creates his dance and songs by himself.

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#三浦大知#daichimiura #日本武道館 #写真いただきましたので ^_^

三浦大知さん(@daichimiura824)がシェアした投稿 –

Tao Tsuchiya dances “Chichin-Bui-Bui” TV ad to promote Chichibu in Seibu Train

With the song of “Chichin-Bui-Bui”, The TV ad show info of popular places in Chichibu. At the last scene, Tao Tsuchiya says “It is amazing”. “2018 Chichin-bui-bui Chichibu” is a spell to heal minds, that is the message for this TV ad.

Tao Tsuchiya

Tao Tsuchiya was born in 1995/2/3 in Tokyo. she belongs to Sony music artists. She is good at Japanese Dance (Nihon Buyo), Classical Ballet, Hiphop, sanshin, drum, athletics, playing piano, house keeping. rding horse, Ski, Basketball. She also in the TV ad of Itoen, Copcomm Benesse, Sony, DMM, Samsung Electronics, Lotte, able, Coka Cola, JRA etc.

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「めざましテレビ」を 観てくださった方々、 心を寄せてくださった方々、 一緒にじゃんけんしてくださった方々、 素敵な朝のひとときを 本当に本当に ありがとうございました…! こういった形で 直接皆さまに作品の紹介が出来るのは 今日で最後だったのですが、 爽やかな朝の空気と共に 最後のお知らせを ショートカットも美しいきょんちゃんと 一緒にお届けすることが出来て 累ちゃんやニナちゃんたちも 喜んでることと思います😊 ぜひぜひぜひ、スクリーンで お会いできますよう…* 映画「累 ‐かさね ‐」 そして 金曜ドラマ「チア☆ダン」と 大切なお知らせや節目が 続いていますが、 実は今日から、 あの作品の取材が! もう始まっております。 冬に公開されるのに タイトルには春の字がある あの作品🌸✨ ヘアメイクの魔法をかけていただいて、 あの世界へ、一足先に 行ってきます*

土屋太鳳さん(@taotsuchiya_official)がシェアした投稿 –

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もうひとつ✨ とうとう!いよいよ! 映画「累 – かさね – 」が 9月7日の公開にむけて 始動しました…!!! 今日は第一回目の取材日。 芳根京子ちゃんと御一緒できたし、 なんと!!!!! 原作者である松浦だるま先生との 鼎談にも参加させていただきました。 いろいろなお話をしたけれど あの時間の気持ちを言葉にすることは ものすっごく難しくて 伝え切れない自分が悔しくて、 もどかしくて。 でも、少しずつでも 伝えていきたいなと思うので 受けとめていただけたら嬉しいです🙏✨ 京子ちゃん、だるま先生、 本当に本当にありがとうございました…! 写真のこれはですね、うちわなのです💡 涼しくなりそうなうちわです👍✨✨

土屋太鳳さん(@taotsuchiya_official)がシェアした投稿 –

Reina Tanaka and Ai Takahashi dance for TV ad for S. T. Corporation “Dasshutan”(deodorizing Charcoal)

Unexpectedly, this stinks. it stinks, softly, too. “Use Dasshutan for the stinking!” ”The power of Charcoal!” Reina Tanaka and Ai Takahashi dance.

Reina Tanaka

She is a member of “Morning Musume”. She used to be a member of Girls Band called LoVendoЯ. She was born in 1989/11/11.

Ai Takahashi

Ai Takahashi was born in 1989/9/14. She is a 6th leader of Morning Musume. She married with Koji Abe.

Arisa Matsunaga(Sato) in TV ad of JR East (East Japan Railway Company), “The history of the change”

This TV ad shows the history of JR stations and trains and even the cities. “What we wanted to change was not the history, it is the life of people. Now, Let’s create next another common lives.” Arisa Sato shows up stands on a train and looks up. The song is “my way”.

Arisa Matsunaga(Sato)

She was born in 1998/8/8 in Tokyo. she belongs to Fit one. She does not like Tomatos and her hobby is Kick boxing. She is on the musical stage of Your Lie in April as Kaori Miyazono. She is also in the film of “Assassination Classroom”

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ビート 【大好きな人達♥ で埋め尽くす】さん(@beat4989)がシェアした投稿 –

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#美少女 #美少女図鑑#松永有紗

Daksさん(@duckdaks)がシェアした投稿 –

Yumena Yanai in TV ad of “Honey and Snow” of new sweets produced by Morinaga Milk

Yumena Yanai sings “Konayuki”(Powdery snow) produced by Remioromen in this TV ad gently. The texts say “What is this feeling.. neither Chipped ice nor Ice cream.” Delicate ice is mixed with Deep source.

Yumena Yanai

Yumena Yanai was born in 2000/6/21 in Fukushima Pre. She belongs to IRVING. She is a fashion model and a TV personality. She is cute especially when she sings. She is in Cheer Dan! She won a grad-prix of miss seventeen of 2017 in 5981 applicants.

Mei Tanaka famous fashion model in TV ad of Eiko Seminar “Nobisiro Girl”

“Nobisiro gaaru” means “I have a room for improvement”. in pronouciation “Nobishiro Girl” is similar”
in This video, Mei Tanaka starts to say “Wait a minute, I have no idea what is written in here.” and sing “Nobishiro Girl”

Mei Tanaka

Mei Tanaka is born in 2000/1/28 in Kumamoto Pre. Her hobby is taking photos with Film camera and fashion. she is good at playing the piano and dancing. She belongs to Quolium. There is rumor that her boyfriend is Takuya Wakabayashi who is also a fashion model from California.

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filmmmm いつかの写真

田中芽衣さん(@mei_tnk)がシェアした投稿 –

Riko Fukumoto Toho Geino in TV ad of Daikyo Group, Main cast of musical Kiki’s Delivery Service

Riko Fukumoto starts singing “you always with me, the path we walk, if you smile, the time becomes special, everyday like this, we keep it warm. Let’s keep our hands together, We will be together forever with you”

Riko Fukumoto

Riko Fukumoto is born in 2000/11/25 in Osaka. She belongs to Toho Geino. in 2016 she won the grand-prix of Toho cinderella contest. she was debuted on Rainbow Gene in Jan of 2018 and she debuted a a singer on TV anime Hisonetomasotan. She played a main role of the cast of musical Kiki’s Delivery Service.

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福本莉子さん(@riko_fukumoto_)がシェアした投稿 –